History and Cast
The Story So Far
A new superhero on the scene! Previously ordinary Daran gained fantastic powers from an exploding microwave! While in the bank, his powers malfunction and he accidentally zaps a bank robber. To everyone's surprise, the bank robber turns into a giant rat-man! Vowing revenge, the bank robber flees. Daran comes home, and meets with his best friend Jack. Again, Daran's super powers go amuck and Jack is turned into some type of monster! Upon visiting the doctor, Daran's go berserk another time but the doctor seems suspiciously unaffected. Daran then takes on the mantle of super hero and goes on patrol for the first time, calling himself Super Guy. While on patrol, he interrupts a bank robbery. To the surprise of both the criminals and Super Guy, a mysterious young man leaps into action against the criminals! The man reveals himself to be Hamburger Head. To Super Guy's surprise, the ring leader behind the bank robbery is the bank robber that Daran had turned into a rat-man days before! Super Guy and The Rat scuffle, but The Magician appears (magically!) and recruits The Rat for Bad! the organization of supervillains! The police arrive on the scene and, with Gao - formerly Jack's - help, Super Guy and Hamburger Head flee Chief Ribauld and his police squad. Soon after, Gao, Super Guy, and Hamburger Head have now come to live together and Daran's doctor is now on the rampage downtown! Rushing to action, The Superpeoples encounter Ms. Sticky and her sidekick HCL Boy. They also encounter Shifter and Inventor, of the team The Leaders. Super Guy accuses Ms. Sticky of having stolen a strength-enhancing bustier, but the matter is quickly forgotten as the come under fire from the villain now calling himself, The Doctor. A ray meant to stop The Doctor causes Super Guy to go insane! The Doctor escapes in the chaos and Super Guy kills a family! The surviving child swears revenge as Super Guy vanishes into the night, mentally shaken from his experience with his own uncontrollable anger. Some time later, Super Guy returns home and is discovered by Hamburger Head and Gao. Later, an electrically based supervillian attacks the bank but Daran refuses to intervene. As a result, Inventor fights the monster. The villain reveals his special ability to be splitting into tiny pieces and he proceeds to swarm Inventor. Inventor manages to defeat the creature by capturing one of the little pieces in a jar. Unable to return to his previous form any longer, the monster dissipates and is blown away on the wind. Sometime later, a mysterious spider-monster is eating people, and a mysterious girl swears revenge, and Chief Ribauld has a mysterious phone conversation. Daran, still burnt out, heads to the library for some escapism. There he meets a stunning librarian (who looks somewhat familar). A heavy book shelf falls but the librarian manages to stop it just in time with a tremendous feat of strength. As Daran is guided to the science-fiction section of the library, the police land on the roof and barracade the building. Leading the team, Chief Ribauld announces that he will not allow anyone in or out of the building until the stolen strength-enhancing bustier is returned. At that moment, the aforementioned mysterious spider-monster busts into the library and starts eating library patrons! Immediately both the librarian and Daran duck out to go to bathroom. While in the bathroom, Hamburger Head conviently shows up with Daran's Superguy costume and they get to work on the Spider. Shortly Ms. Sticky joins them as well and the trio faces off against the monster. Spider proves to be a formidable foe but Ms.Sticky glues him to the floor and Superguy brings the house down on him, killing him. Despite the murderous nature of Spider, Ms. Sticky is still upset that Superguy killed him! Gao, in the mean time, is putting his back into beating up some cops and this provides a sufficient enough distraction for our super friends to escape. Chief Ribauld, upset that Superguy and co. have escaped his grasp again, heads out into the cold night where he meets a familar face from his past. Her name is Maggie and she is here to avenge the death of her brother. Chief Ribauld asserts that that is really not the case at all, but she doesn't listen. Too slow to shoot her, Chief Ribauld is forced on the defensive and Maggie beats the tar out of him. Meanwhile, Superguy askes Ms. Sticky out but is turned down because she is already dating someone as HCL Boy spys on them. HCL Boy, also turned down by Ms. Sticky and believing Superguy to be the guy she is dating, jumps Superguy and sprays him in acid. However, HCL Boy is shortly overwelmed by Superguy's superior strength and has to relent. The situation is explained and the two of them hide in the bushes as Ms. Sticky's real boyfriend shows up. His name is Ben and he's stuck up. Superguy is not the kind of person to spy on someone so he heads home to bed. Back across town, Chief Ribauld makes one last desperate attempt to outdo Maggie but she knocks him cold. Or so she thought. As she slinks away into the night, Chief Ribauld plants a tracking device on her. Superguy, now at home, is taking a well-deserved sleep. Shortly, he is interrupted by Spider appearing at his open window! Superguy naturally must set out against Spider and settle the score once and for all. While fighting Spider, Superguy sees a vision of a woman that calls out to him by name. Distracted, he gets struck by a train. Superguy survives and heals miraculously. Later, the woman from his vision interrupts his sleep and he leaves with her out into the night. At the same time, Maggie is captured by unknown persons.
The Super Peoples:
Super Guy - Previously
ordinary fellow, Daran gained fantastic and unusual powers when he was zapped by
a microwave!
Name: Super Guy
Secret Identity: Secret, Daran
Powers: Flight, super strength, super speed, laser eyes, invincible? psychic powers?
Weakness: None known
Hamburger Head - Not much is
known about him, except he has been fighting crime professionally for some time.
Also, that hamburger bun on his head is not a hat but rather is his real head!
Name: Hamburger Head
Secret Identity: Not so secret, Hamburger Head
Powers: None, just a special utility spatula
Weakness: Normal human weaknesses
Gao - Gao used to be an average guy named Jack but then he was hit by Super Guy's beam. Ever since, Jack has been a fearsome looking monster with a heart of gold, and large touch of innocence.
Name: Gao
Secret Identity: Not secret, Gao (formerly Jack)
Powers: Super strength and endurance equal to his bulky mass
Weakness: None known
The Leaders:
Inventor - Inventor is one of
the preeminent members of The Leaders. Little is known about him.
Name: Inventor
Secret Identity: Secret
Powers: The ability to invent stuff, utility belt and laser gun
Weakness: Normal human weaknesses?
Shifter - Shifter is the
founder of The Leaders and its commander. Very little is known
about him.
Name: Shifter
Secret Identity: Secret?
Powers: Ability to change shape nearly limitlessly
Weakness: None known
Pillow Man - A living pillow!
He is soft and also apparently a gifted pilot. Not much is known at him at
Name: Pillow Man
Secret Identity: Not so secret, probably
Powers: Unknown
Weakness: None known
Other Heroes:
Ms. Sticky - Ms. Sticky and
her sidekick, HCL Boy, are a team that fights crime together. Not much is
known about either of them.
Name: Ms. Sticky
Secret Identity: Secret
Powers: Able to expel a glue-like substance from nearly any place on her body
Weakness: Normal human weaknesses
HCL Boy - Ms. Sticky's ever-present sidekick. Not much is known about him or Ms. Sticky.
Name: HCL Boy
Secret Identity: Secret
Powers: Able to expel acid from certain surfaces of his body
Weakness: Normal weaknesses of a slightly frail human
??? - Who is this
mysterious character? More to come!