Monday, August 29, 2005

August 29 2005

well, the new comic is up. Kinda. See, I got it all written and stuff but right now Keenspace is not responding. So the comic is ready to go but Keenspace isn't for the time being. So I don't know if today's comic is going to get up or not. It looks like it should magically pop up later today like it always does.

Today's Update Thus Far:
New Comic

Monday, August 22, 2005

August 22 2005

well, here's hoping that the comic appears today. I upped it but, "Comic Genesis" is a little backed up thissmorning. So, in short, the comic should be up today at some point. Like I promised. Some new sketches should be on there way in a little while too.

Today's Update Thus Far:
New comic, we're back on schedule
New Sketches, drawn but not on the site yet

Friday, August 19, 2005

August 19 2005

hey, folks. Sorry about the lack of new comic today. One of the recent comics is actually two comics combined, plus I dropped one comic page so I ended up a day short. I don't have the next issue quite drawn up yet but I'll get on that soon. I did get a brand-new scanner so I'm excited about that. However, my computer is kinda down but I should still have the comics back to their normal schedule starting on Monday. Sorry about that.

Superpeoples is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.